Chemical Reactors
Chemical reactors operating under heavy conditions in which chemical reactions will take place in many industries such as dye, food, medicine, petrochemistry etc.
They are being designed and produced within the body of ARIS MAKINE as per the requested capacity for the requirements of the customers and in a manner that will completely meet the vacuum, pressure and temperature values.
In turn-key projects provided by ARIS MAKINE, the production may be monitored, controlled and measured in each phase from the entrance of raw material until the end of the production process and storage of products. By this way, the production costs are decreasing and the human factor is being kept outside the production as much as possible.
Centrally Driven Mixers
Mixers provide the homogenous mixture of different materials in the best possible quality. The mixers, whose usage area is very extensive such as the reactors, are specially designed and produced as the requirements of the customer.
While efficient mixing at very high speeds is able to be realized by the special blade and vane designs of ARIS MAKINA, the sticking of the materials on the walls of the mixer is prevented by special scrapers.