The potential energy of a fluid (water) that has gained an amount of height is called “hydro-energy”. And the new electric energy obtained by first transforming that that energy to mechanical energy and then to electric energy by various mechanisms is called “hydro-electric energy”. Briefly, the water -that has gained a specific elevation either naturally or artificially- is transmitted to turbines at lower elevations, the water that hits the wheels of the turbine with a great speed rotates the turbine shaft, and thus produces electric by operating the generator. The places where these mechanisms are set up are dams. The facilities, where this transformation is performed, are generally called “hydro-electric power plants”.
Nearly all the energy sources arise from the physical and chemical effects on materials due to solar radiation. Hydraulic energy is also an energy source that arises indirectly from solar radiation. The waters in sea, lakes and rivers are evaporating by the solar energy, and that vapor is being dragged by the effect of the wind and is reaching the ground as rain or snow at the hillsides and feeding the rivers.
Thus, hydraulic energy is being an energy source that is continuously renewing itself. It cover 10% of the electric energy and 69% of the renewable energy of the world.
It obtains energy from water which is a renewable source
Its technical lifetime is long, and it has no fuel expense
It doesn’t cause greenhouse effect, doesn’t cause acid rains
Its construction is being performed by domestic facilities
Its operating maintenance costs are low
It creates employment
If you are considering to invest in hydro-electric energy, AR-IS Machine provides you full service in the performance of energy production assessment and in the determination of proper scaled investment through determination of land, analysis of production potential, radiation measurements and assessment. Moreover, AR-IS Machine also provides service in obtaining the required permits for the considered investments. Besides the business status assessment, it determines the income/expense analyses and depreciation periods as per the anticipated scope of project. It follows-up the turn-key hydro-electric power plant projects by performing ground studies, determination of the places of all the equipments to be used and site planning. It provides the services of preparation of expropriation and ministry files for commissioning your project, executing energy agreements at the relevant location, and maintenance and repair.